For the past 10 years, Drew Kerr has spoken at numerous colleges and universities about improving students' odds in finding their first jobs after college graduation. Each of these sessions leaves students with a definitive game plan, a direction, a very positive outlook, and often a whole new way of thinking.

Often students are using outdated career discovery and job hunting techniques. Or they are unsure of how to start or where to go From nearly 30 years of receiving thousands of resumes directed to his public relations consultancy, Drew has seen the same mistakes done over and over again.

His goal is to teach college undergraduates to break out strategically and creatively... and not to do what 99% of other students do. Often after these sessions, students say to him, "I've been doing it wrong all this time. What you said makes total sense." These sessions are game changers.

After each session, Drew answers all student questions and invites them to connect through LinkedIn for any follow-up questions. Every year, many students stay in touch and are grateful for the advice he has given them.

He has spoken with college students groups ranging from 60 in large rooms to 250 in auditoriums.

Drew is the founder of Four Corners Communications, a public relations consultancy in New York City. He is actively involved with La Guardia Community College's Presidents Society, where most of the students are first generation Americans. He is also the first "father" in the college's acclaimed "Pushy Moms" program to see students through their transfer application process.